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Wendy Lieber

March 13, 17061 min read

Wendy Lieber, CEO & Co-Founder of ContentBacon, has been a dedicated board member of Entrepreneurs Organization of South Florida for over 6 years, serving as Membership Chair. Wendy played a vital role in shaping the marketing strategy and actively contributed to guiding innovation and execution at every step.

Wendy highlights ContentBacon's achievements, emphasizing its growth and positive impact from promoting awareness about human-driven content. She underscores the strategic use of the AI boom to enhance understanding and value for authentic, human-centric content in the business landscape.

Wendy discusses challenges that involved streamlining team structures, managing customer expectations during onboarding, and transitioning from founder-led sales to establishing a dedicated sales team. She underscores the importance of outsourcing non-core functions as a key strategy in navigating these challenges.

Wendy's shoutout goes to Sarah Miller, recognizing her pivotal contribution to the organization. Sarah has played a crucial role in highlighting the importance of outsourcing non-core functions, a strategic move that has streamlined operations and enhanced efficiency.

Ways to connect with Wendy Lieber:

I highly suggest you watch this entire exchange between Wendy Lieber and ⭐️Todd Westra 📈

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Todd Westra Interviews marketing Leaders and Business Owners who have made amazing breakthroughs in the quest to Scale their business

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